Toxic shell around your pineal gland

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Toxic shell around your pineal gland


There are chemicals in the water, the air, your food… and even the
medicine you take.
Over time, this builds up a calcified shell around your pineal gland,
interrupting its ability to function properly.
Toxic shell around your pineal gland ☠️.png
If you don’t know already, your pineal gland is what allows you to
connect to the Universe, and manifest your desires from the energyNo amount of mantras… meditation… audio frequencies… or activating
special DNA inside your body… will allow you to connect to the Universe
if your pineal gland is damaged.
If you want to see what you can do about this, and clear up this toxic
shell surrounding your pineal gland, then check this presentation that
talks about a simple 30 second method you can do… right from the
comfort of your own home.
No amount of mantras… meditation… audio frequencies… or activating
special DNA inside your body… will allow you to connect to the Universe
if your pineal gland is damaged.
If you want to see what you can do about this, and clear up this toxic
shell surrounding your pineal gland, then check this presentation that
talks about a simple 30 second method you can do… right from the
comfort of your own home.

Informations générales:

Vendu par: Balasheb Mahadeo Bedre (0 / # 0) Rang Balasheb Mahadeo Bedre
Email: Contacter le vendeur

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Annonce No: 636217
Annonce consultée:329
Annonce expirant: 2024.06.07 (dedans 19 Jours)
Date: 2024.05.08
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