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Are You Ready To Get Sober?

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Are You Ready To Get Sober?


If recovery from addiction is your goal, Learn to Live Recovery is the perfect location with an amazing staff that will help you navigate the new and improved life you want to live!

Mission Statement: "Modeling recovery in a safe and sober environment for young men to learn to live again through life skills, empowerment, and community."

Vision Statement: "Our vision is to reintegrate young men back into their communities and provide them with the tools of recovery that will stand the tests of time."

Learn to Live recovery boasts a beautiful 5,000 sq ft facility on the banks of Missouri in Hermann. The house is surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the Missouri Hills and inside it has everything a recovering person would want and more. Each room has an attached bathroom and every room has its own unique character. The common areas of beautiful furnishings and gas fireplaces. You will not find a better place to find your passion and recover.

Visit us on Facebook to learn more @learntoliverecovery


#addiction #substanceabuse #recovery #soberliving #soberhousing #ltlr

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Vendu par: VaultMedia (26 / # 2) Rang VaultMedia
Email: Contacter le vendeur

Detail de l'annonce

Annonce No: 614882
Annonce consultée:2193
Annonce expirant: 2024.07.29 (dedans 70 Jours)
Date: 2023.10.03
Evaluation actuelle (Après 0 votes) Rang

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